scheduled courses - Endurogps

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Scheduled courses 2022
April - 09 - 10
May - 07 - 08
July -  11 - 12

Other dates:
Depending on your needs, we can provide other dates and ways in which to carry out the courses.

Weekend program:

Arrival in the afternoon at the designated facility.
Contact with the bike for those who have rented it.
7.00 pm: meeting in the classroom for about 1 hour to get to know each other and define the last details.
9:00 am classroom course of about 4 hours in the manner and at the level that we will have agreed upon.
2.30 pm accompanied excursion of about 3 - 4 hours dedicated to the GPS settings on the bike and the reading of the route.
7.00 pm: check in the classroom for about 1 hour to discuss the difficulties / doubts that arose during the excursion.
09:00 am accompanied excursion of about 6 - 7 hours dedicated to the pleasure of enduro driving supported by the use of GPS.
Approximately 4:30 pm return to the structure, final check and greetings.

- Minimum number per course: 3 participants
- The accommodations can be in double or single room, in B&B or half board, according to your needs.
- For any accompanying persons / escorts we can study a specific program of visits to various locations in Tuscany.
GPS courses with Enduro excursions in Tuscany
Basic and advanced courses with excursions in Tuscany. Routes: Enduro; Enduro soft; On / Off

+ 39 0556536398
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